Here are some common questions and answers, if you have one, leave it here.
How do I register for COS and the partner sites?
What is included in the cost of my registration?
Your registration provides you access to all of the plenary presentations, concurrent breakout sessions, and multiple social and networking receptions that make up the Annual Meeting. Additionally, you receive log-in credentials to utilize our mobile conference app to help navigate your Annual Meeting experience.
The COS conference provides a daily breakfast buffet, lunch at the community service sites, pupu (Hors d'oeuvres) at the Tuesday evening welcome reception, and snacks during afternoon breaks. The welcome reception includes a no-host cash bar.
Are meals included with my registration?
At the Annual Meeting, NAPCRG typically provides daily breakfasts, lunch on the first full day of the conference, and several coffee breaks throughout the meeting. The Welcome Reception includes a cash bar. The evening event on the final night of the conference includes light fare, a drink ticket, and a cash bar.
Can I cancel my registration?
Please find COS full conference cancellation policy here.
Is there an early registration offered?
Yes! The early registration deadline is February 4th 2023.
Can I purchase my conference registration when I get to the meeting?
We encourage all attendees to register for the conference in advance. This allows us to plan accordingly for the appropriate number of attendees and manage any accommodations needed. As a bonus, NAPCRG often offers an early-bird discount for those who register by the designated deadline.
However, we know sometimes plans are made at last minute. If you arrive at the conference and still need to register, please see the NAPCRG team at the registration desk for assistance.
How do I submit a proposal to present at COS conference?
The deadline has passed to submit a proposal to present.
Calls for submissions for the Annual Meeting are released early February preceding the meeting. Depending on the type of proposal, submissions are typically due late April.
I have a large poster. Where can I store it?
You may bring your poster to the registration table. Be sure to have your full name, institution, assigned session date and time clearly marked on the back of the poster.
Can I see what sessions will be presented before I arrive on site?
Yes. The program for the Annual Meeting is posted online as soon as it is finalized.
How can I find out when someone is scheduled to present?
The online searchable schedule for the Annual Meeting has information about each of the sessions being presented.
Where can I find guidelines and information about poster sessions?
During the presentation time, attendees are able to interact with authors of the posters, and discuss their research with them. Poster authors do not give formal presentations. You can visit the Presenter Information section on the Annual Meeting website for information on poster guidelines and setup/tear down times.
How can I attend a Pre-conference Workshop?
You can register for Pre-conference Workshops using the Annual Meeting registration form. Each workshop has a registration fee, which is used to help offset the cost of organizing the workshop.
What are the plenary sessions?
Plenary sessions are usually lectures or speeches designed to appeal to a broad range of meeting attendees.
Who can attend the Welcome Reception?
All meeting attendees are invited to attend the Welcome Reception on Friday night. Attendance is included with your registration.
Does NAPCRG have hotel rooms available for meeting attendees?
Yes. NAPCRG reserves blocks of rooms for attendees each year. You can learn more about how to reserve a room in one of these hotels on the Hotel and Travel page of the Annual Meeting website. Because we reserve rooms in bulk, room rates are typically lower than hotels in the area and provide the convenience of being on site where most activities take place.
If the hotel rooms are all booked where shall we look for additional rooms?
Our reserved blocks of rooms for attendees has sold out. There are many hotels near the conference hotel in the area within a short walking distance. As such you will still be close to all of the events in the conference hotel and can still have your breakfast at the conference hotel.
Will Lunch be available during the site visits? Yes
Yes, each site will have a special meal prepared for participants. Please note that lunch will be on your own if you do not participate in a site visit.
How do we sign up for the site visits?
If you registered but did not make your site visit selections, visit the COS registration site here. Once logged into the site, click on the “UPDATE REGISTRATION” bar and make your site selections. Be sure to “submit” your selections. You will receive a confirmation email with your selections.
I signed up for a site, but would like to change the site. How do I do this?
Changes may be made to your site selections by logging into the COS registration site here. Once logged into the site, click on the “UPDATE REGISTRATION” bar and update your selections. Be sure to “submit” your selections. You will receive a confirmation email with your changes.
What do I need to bring for the site visits?
Be sure to read through the descriptions of the service as it will give you an idea of what to expect for the day. In general, dress comfortably for warm temperatures of between 80 - 85 degrees. We recommend wearing sunglasses, sunscreen or a sun shirt, and a hat or cap, especially if you are not accustomed to being out in the sun. You will need at least a liter of drinking water. Please be advised that most sites will not have potable water readily available.
Sites will provide all necessary tools, but you are welcome to bring your own work gloves and tools. At the end of your service, you may want to consider donating the gloves or tools you brought with you to the site instead of taking them home.
Where can I find a list of acceptable sunscreen products that do not harm reefs?
Effective on January 1, 2021, the State of Hawaii through HRS §342D-21, prohibits the sale and use of sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are toxic to coral and aquatic life when it washes off your body and goes into the ocean. There are alternatives available that are discussed here.
Where do we board the buses to get to the service sites?
All buses will depart for sites from in front of the Queen Kapiolani Hotel on Kapahulu Avenue. Buses will be clearly marked with the service site.